Julia Keleher

Press Features

Julia Keleher In The Press

Check out the latest press that Julia Keleher has been featured in over the years!

Reviled in Puerto Rico, sent to prison for corruption. Can this Philly native remake herself?

November 17, 2022, The Philadelphia Inquirer

There was a time when Julia Keleher was just a girl from South Philly who’d made it big.

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​Meet the Changemakers: 12 Extraordinary (and Inspiring) Educators We Met This Year

December 20, 2017: Julia Keleher was recognized as one of the changemakers for students throughout Puerto Rico. View the original article from The 74 Milion here.

Storms And Reforms​

April 23, 2018: The Penn Gazette talks about the work that Julia Keleher was doing in education in Puerto Rico. Read the original article from The Penn Gazette here.

Julia Keleher: Education Expert, Author, And Leader

August 27, 2021: Julia Keleher was featured in Surprisingly Free to talk about her own professional experiences. View the original article from Surprisingly Free here.

Puerto Rico’s Outgoing Education Secretary: “We Need The Help Of Mainland Educators”

April 3, 2019: Learn more about Julia Keleher’s insight into Puerto Rico’s current education system. Read the original article from Education Week here.

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About Julia Keleher

September 21, 2021: Learn more about Julia Keleher and her background working in education. Read the original interview with IdeaMensch here.

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Socrates and Social Media

January 8, 2022

In his recent Washington Post opinion column, George Will explores the “art of civilized arguing” – in modern society. Will compares debate in the time of Socrates, around 400 BC, with the approach that dominates American public discourse today – posts on social media today.

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Does America’s Justice System Work Or Not?

November 28, 2021

Right before Thanksgiving, American news channels provided extensive coverage of two high-profile murder trials. In both cases, the defendants were white. In one case, the defendant, Kyle Rittenhouse, was found not guilty. In the other, three white men were found guilty of the shooting death of Ahmaud Arbery.

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Feeling Or Doing?

November 3, 2021

John McWhorter has written extensively on issues of race, language, and culture. His opinion pieces in the New York Times explore the complexities of race in America and our ability to discuss them in respectful and productive ways.  McWhorter’s columns make an important contribution to American society  – they encourage critical thinking. He doesn’t seek to polarize or reinforce partisan ideology. He presents both sides of an issue, shares his view, and invites readers to come to their own conclusions.

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